Your fuel system is comprised of a variety of parts, each tasked with keeping your engine running strong - Chevy, Ford, and Ram all have small differences, and diesel systems have changed over the years with innovation in the field; however, the fundamentals haven’t changed. At Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc, our technicians are familiar with the differences between models and generations, but for the intents and purposes here they aren’t necessary to know. Here’s an overview of the major components you’ll find in most diesel fuel systems.
Is your truck used for towing? Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current setup or rig up something new, our technicians have you covered. Here’s some useful information on towing equipment, from Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc in Lawrence, KS.
Once you have a set of new tires installed on your commercial truck or fleet vehicle, you’ll want to get the most out of them. By maintaining them correctly and inspecting them regularly, you’ll keep them on the road for many miles to come. At Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc in Lawrence, KS we want you to be able to drive on your tires for miles, so let us help you do just that!
While your transmission can certainly fail silently, there are certain sounds which indicate you have an issue. The sooner you catch a transmission problem the better, so Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc in Lawrence, KS wants you to know what to listen for.
It’s no secret, commercial truck tires are expensive. The good news is, if one of your tires is experiencing issues, Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc in Lawrence, KS has you covered. We want to make sure your fleet stays fully operational and you on the road! Here are some things to keep your eye on when it comes to your tires and tips to keep your tires lasting.
If you’re reading this, you probably not excited to be here; the time has come for a new transmission. Fortunately, we at Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc are here to offer you solutions, and let you know that it’s not all bad. Replacing a tired and worn transmission will truly bring your car back to life, and you’ll probably be glad you did it.
Tires are what keeps your vehicle rolling, literally. Many people have found that shopping for tires is overwhelming because there are just so many choices. At Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc, we want to break it down for you so that it's easier to understand. There are four main categories of tires, and the right ones for you will depend on the kind of driving you do. Let's talk more about that!
You’ve heard the term “slipping transmission” before, and you know it’s nothing good. What exactly does a transmission slip feel like, and how much of a problem is it if your transmission is slipping? At Dale and Ron's Auto Service Inc in Lawrence, KS, our expert technicians have diagnosed and repaired every type of transmission issue in the book. Here’s a short explanation of transmission slippage, and what action you should take to get rid of it.
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Lawrence, KS 66044
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